10 Literary Agents Seeking True Crime

Ten Agents Seeking True Crime

Before submitting to agents on this list, be sure to visit their agency website and review their specific submission guidelines. These guidelines may vary considerably between different agents and agencies.

Alec Shane


Writer's House
21 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10010

Twitter: @alecdshane

Recent Deals: Alec Shane reported multiple deals book for cients in 2016 / 2017 to publishers like Doubleday, Kensignton and Simon & Schuster.

Query Response Rate: Alec Shane's response rate averages better than 50% on queries.

Also represents: 

Fiction: Historical Fiction, Horror, Literary, Middle Grade, Military, Mystery, Thriller, YA

Non-Fiction: Biography, History, Humor, Pop Culture, Science, Sports


Andrea Somburg


Harvey Klinger Inc.
300 W. 55th Street #11V, New York, NY 10019


Twitter: @andreasomberg

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Somberg-NYC-Literary-Agent-at-Harvey-Klinger/199888223384030

Recent Deals: Andrea's recent deals include sales Putnam Childrens, Little Brown UK, Skyhorse, Entangled and Clarion

Query Response Rate: Andrea Somberg's response rate is higher than 80% on queries.

Also represents:

Fiction: Action and Adventure, Children's Books, Commercial Fiction, Crime Fiction, Family Saga, Historical, Horror, Humor, LGBTQ, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, YA

Non-Fiction: Cookbooks, Humor, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir,  Psychology, Science, Sports, Travel


Annie Bomke


Annie Bomke Literary Agency
P. O. Box 3759
San Diego, CA 92163

Recent Deals: In 2017, Annie Bomke sold at least one crime project to Pegasus.


Twitter: @ABLiterary

Also represents:

Fiction: Commercial, Crime, Family Saga, Historical, Horror, Humor, LGBTQ, Literary, Mystery, New Adult, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult
Non-Fiction: Biography, Cookbooks, Humor, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, Psychology, Science

Brent Taylor


Triada US Literary Agency
PO Box 561
Sewickley, PA 15143


Twitter: @btaylorbooks

Query Response Rate: Brent Taylor's reported response rate is higher than 80% on queries.

Recent Deals: Brent Taylor reportedly sold work to Harper Teen, Holt Children's, Scholastic, Sourcebooks and others during 2017.

Also represents:

Fiction: Action and Adventure, Children's Books, Commercial Fiction, Crime Fiction, Graphic Novel, Humor, LGBTQ, Literary, Middle Grade, Picture Books, Young Adult

Non-Fiction: Biography, Cookbooks, History, Humor, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, Psychology, Science, Sports, Travel


Chad Luibl


Janklow & Nesbit Associates
285 Madison Ave, 21st Floor, New York, N.Y. 10017


Twitter: @/chad_luibl

Recent Deals: Chad Luibl's recent deals include sales to Harper Children's and William Morrow.

Also Represents:

Fiction: Commercial Fiction, Crime Fiction, Graphic Novel, Horror, LGBTQ, Literary, Middle Grade, Military, Mystery, Poetry, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Short Story, Thriller, Young Adult

Non-Fiction: Humor, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, Sports, Travel


Heather Flaherty


The Bent Agency


Twitter: @HeddaFlaherty

Query Response Rate: Heather Flaherty's response rate averages higher than 50% on queries.

Recent Deals: In 2017, Heather Flaherty's deals included sales to Ballantine, Amulet and Greenwillow.

Also Represents:

Fiction: Commercial Fiction, Fantasy, General, Graphic Novel, Historical, Horror, Literary, Middle Grade, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, YA

Non-Fiction: Humor, Pop Culture


Jeff Kleinman


Folio Literary Management
630 9th Avenue, Suite 1101 New York, NY 10036


Query Response Rate: Jeff Kleinman's response rate is higher than 80% on queries.

Also Represents: 

Fiction: Action and Adventure, Commercial Fiction, Family Saga, General, Historical, Humor, LGBTQ, Literary Fiction, Military, New Adult, Thriller, Women’s Fiction

Non-Fiction: Biography, History, Humor, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, Psychology, Science


Sharon Pelletier


Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC
One Union Square West, Suite 904, New York, NY  10003  


Twitter: @sharongracepjs

Query Response Rate: Sharon Pelletier's query response rate is reportedly higher than 80%.

Recent Deals: Sharon Pelletier's recent sales include deals with Putnam, Pocket, Avery and Simon & Schuster

Also Represents:

Fiction: Commercial Fiction, Crime Fiction, Family Saga, LGBTQ, Literary, Mystery, Religious, Thriller, Women’s Fiction

Non-Fiction: Biography, History, Journalism, LGBTQ, Pop Culture, Psychology, Sports, True Crime


Michelle Johnson


Inklings Literary Agency
3419 Virginia Beach Blvd #183, Virginia Beach, VA 23452


Twitter: @MJsRetweet

Recent Deals: Michelle Johnson has recently sold client projects to Loveswept, Clean Teen and Sky Pony Press.

Query Response Rate: Michelle Johnson's query response rate is over 60%.

Also Represents:

Fiction: Action and Adventure, Commercial Fiction, Crime Fiction, Fantasy, General, Horror, LGBTQ, Middle Grade, Mystery, New Adult, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult

Non-Fiction: Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, True Crime


Zoe Sandler


ICM Partners
65 E. 55th Street, New York, NY 10022 


Twitter: @zosandler

Recent Deals: In the last year, Zoe Sandler has completed deals with several imprints including Dutton, Rivverun, Random House, Atheneum, and Simon & Schuster Children's

Query Response rate: Zoe Sandlers query response rate is over 80%.

Also Represents:

Fiction: Crime Fiction, Humor, Literary Fiction, Middle Grade, Mystery, Thriller, YA

Non-Fiction: Journalism, Science

  • Posted by Admin
  • December 18, 2017 11:11 AM PST
10 literary agents actively seeking true crime stories. Plus typical query response rate, recent deals and other genres accepted.


