Review of Byrd and the Bees - Christine McInerney Fry

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite (5 STARS)

Rebecca is a young woman whohas just suffered an awful breakup. She is ready, willing and able for a change in her life and the opportunity just falls into her lap. Rebecca has a distant relationship with her mother and believes she was bornthrough an unknown sperm donor; when she receives a letter talking about her father, her life is turned upside down. The letter is signed by awoman named Beatrice, who states that her father has had a heart attackand it would be a good idea for her to travel to Scotland to meet him.Delighted to find out that she no longer needs to imagine a father,Rebecca packs her bags and heads to Scotland. Once there, Rebecca meetsGavin, who rescues her from a bee attack. The two are quickly drawn toeach other, but circumstances make this romance difficult. Rebecca finds her father, who lives on a large estate and welcomes her with openarms.

Byrd and the Bees, a romantic lighthearted story, is a fairy tale cometo life. There are many adventures to share with Rebecca as the storyprogresses, which make this a great read. I really enjoyed Byrd and theBees. It had humor, love, adventure, good guys and bad guys and more tokeep it entertaining from beginning to end. Author Christine McInerney Fry has created characters with personality and I look forward toreading more about them in future books. Byrd and the Bees is a winnerfor all women, young and older.

  • Posted by Christine Fry
  • January 26, 2017 11:13 AM PST
Five -Star Review by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite


