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Classifieds » Arts & Culture » Conium Press 2016 Book & Chapbook Contest

Conium Press 2016 Book & Chapbook Contest


The Conium Press 2016 Book & Chapbook Contest seeks submissions from June 1st, 2016 to September 1st, 2016.

The winner receives $1,000, publication, ten author copies, and a copy of the judge's latest book.

This year's judge is Matt Bell, author of the fiction titles Scrapper (Soho Press, 2015), In the House Upon the Dirt Between the Lake and the Woods (Soho Press, 2014), Cataclysm Baby (The Mud Lucious Press, 2012), How They Were Found (Keyhole Press, 2010), and the forthcoming collection A Tree or a Person or a Wall (Soho Press, 2016). Matt is also the author of a nonfiction book about the classic videogame Baldur's Gate II (Boss Fight Books, 2015).

Conium Press is a publisher of innovative writing. We lean toward unconventional plots, bizarre settings, and experimental language. We don't get stuck on distinctions between "genre fiction" and "literary fiction," but the piece should grab the reader's attention and take narrative risks. Paragraphed fiction and hybrid fiction are both acceptable, but poetry and nonfiction are ineligible for this contest.

Word count is flexible. Chapbooks and full-length books receive equal consideration. The judging process is blind. The entry fee is $25. Full contest guidelines are available here: