The Crime Fiction Academy made its debut in mid-February 2012 as the first ongoing, serious program exclusively dedicated to crime writing in all its forms. Students accepted into the program are taught by successful practitioners of the genre, and classes take place in The Center’s eight-story building at 17 E. 47th Street in Manhattan. Every writer enrolled in CFA attends a 12-week Writing Workshop, one Master Class each month, and a Crime Fiction Reading seminar. In addition, each writer has access to special lectures and discussions with editors and agents from the world of crime fiction publishing, round-the clock membership in The Center’s Writers’ Studio, free admission to all Center for Fiction events, and access to the Center’s extensive circulating collection, which won a Mystery Writers of America Raven Award for its amazing in-depth collection of crime fiction. All classes, workshops, and lectures take place in the evening. Students may enroll for one term, but commitment of at least a year is advised to take full advantage of the program. Admission is based on work samples.