CHARLES S. ISAACS has been a schoolteacher, college professor, social activist, community organizer, financial analyst, ghostwriter, Congressional aide, gambler, real estate consultant, storyteller and occasional journalist. His undergraduate studies were in Mathematics (LIU-Brooklyn), after which he attended the University of Chicago Law School. His later graduate work was in the Social Sciences, earning an M.A. (New School for Social Research) and a Ph.D. (The Union Institute & University). In recent decades, he has been a commercial real estate broker and adviser, exclusively representing New York non-profits.
In his late 60s, he wrote two books about the late 1960s: Inside Ocean Hill-Brownsville: A Teacher's Education, 1968-69 (non-fiction) and RIOT: A 1960s Love Story (a novel). His second novel is currently seeking representation. He currently resides in Newburgh, New York.