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In the Coastside Detectives series by Matthew O'Malley, the views of San Francisco, so well known from dozens of film noir tales and classic novels, are the backdrop to tales rooted in ancient Bagdad, the California Gold Rush, and modern day international terrorism, all of which swirl to life with deadly consequences along the California Coast.
Coastside Detectives book trailers, award winners at the LA Neo Noir Film Festival, are on YouTube.
Books on Amazon include:
Coastside Detectives: The Grand View
Coastside Detectives: Armando's Gold
Coastside Detectives: Distant Islands
Coastside Detectives: Changing Tides
Additional titles by Matthew O’Malley include
Tales for Sale
Tales for Sale II
Sunsets of Inverness (Pen name used Joe Ballard)
Visit Coastsided.Com for additional information and extras.