Admin's Polls

ePublishing vs Traditional Publishing

Is ePublishing the wave of the future? Or is traditional print publishing the only way to go? Give your opinion in our poll.
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |  6 votes  |  9,532 views
  • Elizabeth Monkemeier
    Elizabeth Monkemeier Sadly, after pressing the "Traditional Print Only" button, I realized that ePublishing is probably going to be on the rage.
    September 11, 2012 - Report
  • Jonah Gibson
    Jonah Gibson e-publishing. For so many reasons: ease of use, speed of delivery, preservation of natural resources, linkable to outside resources, built in dictionary, resizeable type. I had a gruesome 11 hour surgery on my sinuses in 2012. Drs. had to rebuild an...  more
    March 3, 2017 - Report