Whitecap Books, Ltd. submission guidelines and market information

Whitecap Books, Ltd.



Whitecap Books, Ltd. Submission Guidelines

Submission Address

351 Lynn Ave.
North Vancouver BC V7J 2C4

Phone: (604)980-9852

Fax: (604)980-8197

Submitting Your Work to Whitecap Books, Ltd.

Before submitting to Whitecap Books, Ltd.

The Market List recommends you verify the market is active and accepting submissions before sending your manuscript via regular mail. You may verify a market status by either visiting their website, calling their listed phone number, or comfirming via regular mail that the market is still active before sending them your work.

To be sure your submission is appropriate for this market, we recommend you familiarize yourself with Whitecap Books, Ltd. by reading at least one of their titles before submitting.

If you have recently submitted to Whitecap Books, Ltd. or have experience with this market, please submit a comment below. Recent submission response times are always welcome and helpful to other writers.

From the Whitecap Books, Ltd. guidelines:


Whitecap Books is a general trade publisher with a focus on food and wine titles. Although we are interested in reviewing unsolicited manuscript submissions, please note that we only accept submissions that meet the needs of our current publishing program. Please see some of most recent releases to get an idea of the kinds of titles we are interested in.

Please do not send a completed manuscript. If we are interested in reviewing your entire manuscript, we will contact you.

When submitting an idea for a book to Whitecap, please include the following information:

Cover letter
Introduce yourself and include information about your experience including your educational and professional background, and your previous publishing credits. Tell us why your book idea is a good one: Why is a book like this one needed? Who would buy it? How does it differ from competing titles? In what ways is it like similar titles?

Synopsis of the book
For food and wine books, the synopsis should include a table of contents with a list of chapters.
For cookbooks, your proposal should also include at least 15 sample recipes.
Include information about proposed photographs; do you photograph your own food? If so, include samples (never originals).

Never send original artwork or photographs.

If you are interested in having your previously self-published book reviewed, please include a copy of the book.

Submission Guidelines Details for Whitecap Books, Ltd.

Market Type:Book

Accepts: Cookbooks, gardening, history, house and home, regional, travel, wine

Web Address: www.whitecap.ca

Click here for complete guidelines