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Send e-mail submissions to magicdragonmagazine@gmail.com
Before submitting to Magic Dragon
The Market List recommends you verify the market is active and accepting submissions before sending your manuscript via regular mail. You may verify a market status by either visiting their website, calling their listed phone number, or confirming via regular mail that the market is still active before sending them your work. To be sure your submission is appropriate for this market, we recommend you familiarize yourself with Magic Dragon by reading a sample issue before submitting. |
If you have recently submitted to Magic Dragon or have experience with this market, please submit a comment below. Recent submission response times are always welcome and helpful to other writers.
Writing – Type (double space) or print neatly. Stories and essays can be up to three pages, poetry up to 30 lines. You can write about anything that is important to you; it can be serious or funny, true or fiction.
Art – Send original art or a copy. If you want original art returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough to hold the art, with enough postage to cover the mailing cost. Your name should be on the art. You may tell us how you created the art; for example, is it made with crayon, watercolor, paper sculpture, or some other way.
Market Type: Magazine
Email: magicdragonmagazine@gmail.com
Accepts: Adventure, art, essay, fantasy, humor, poetry
Web Address: www.magicdragonmagazine.com
Click here for complete guidelines
Updated December 21, 2020