Browse Articles

  • Guidelines? Who Needs Guidelines?

    Guidelines? Who Needs Guidelines?
    (from The Market List #3)
    Hemingway would beg to be your pupil if he were able to read your newest masterpiece of short fiction. It's brilliant, captivating, full of incredibly witty dialogue, and characters ...
  • Editors, Writers, and Petunias ( In the Small Press )

    Editors, Writers, and Petunias (In the Small Press) by Shauna Skye (from The Market List #4)
    I'm amazed at people with green thumbs. They get on their hands and knees, dig in the dirt, sweat, and expend energy--and all for a bunch of "dumb" fl...
  • How I spent my summer vacation, Or:

    How I spent my summer vacation, Or: Six weeks without sleep in the wilds of Seattle (Clarion West '98) by Diana Rowland (from The Market List Web)
    I never thought I'd be the type to go through a writer's workshop. When I first heard of Clarion...
  • Dispelling the Clarion Myth

    Dispelling the Clarion Myth by Kurtis N. Roth (from The Market List #8)
    We all want the Magic Key. Whether we admit it or not, whether we know it or not. Somewhere deep down, at one time or another, we wish desperately for the Key--or for the ...
  • On Both Sides of the Slush Pile

    On Both Sides of the Slush Pile by Gail Hayden (from The Market List #6)
    ... Finally, this is better, that one do
    His own task as he may, even though he...  more
  • The Birth of a Semi-Pro Magazine

    The Birth of a Semi-Pro Magazine by Teresa Keene (from The Market List #6)
    What kind of person is your editor, that mysterious, faceless entity that bought or rejected your beloved story, asks you for rewrites, is sometimes horribly cruel, del...

