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  • Is Self-Publishing for All Genres?

    Publishing houses no longer promote or market the books they publish. Together with the fact that most publishing houses only offer contracts to established (ie. money-making) writers can make getting a publishing contract as a new author nearl...
  • How to Handle a Negative Book Review

    You know you need plenty of reviews to keep your book climbing the popularity charts, but you also know that not all of them are going to be 5 stars-worth of praise and glowing recommendation that others read your book immediately. What can you do to h...
  • Writing a Book Review

    The main thing to remember when you're writing a book review is that it is meant to be a critical evaluation, a commentary on your own opinion that offers an argument. A very brief summary is included of course, but only to give the reader th...
  • Self-Publishing The Old Fashioned Way – Print On Demand Publishing

    Before there were online publishing websites, self-publishers did things a little differently. Self-publishing bore a striking resemblance to traditional publishing, except the authors wore every hat and did all of the work by themselves - unless the...
  • Marketing Your Self-Published Book Doesn't Have to Be Hard

    In the beginning of every career, there is a time when you have to pay your dues from the bottom rung – or near the bottom at least. As writers, because of the solitary nature of our craft and the fact that we may not exactly enjoy having to mi...
  • Writing Dialogue ~ Is 'He Said/She Said' Enough?

    Although we're not likely to enjoy hearing this, dialogue may be the single most important aspect of any novel. Most editors will go directly to a dialogue portion of your manuscript before reading anything else. This is because the dialogue in...
  • 10 Writing Tips to Get You to “The End”

    Feeling like you'll never finish your book? Take heart and read on...
  • Marketing Your Self-Published Book – Social Media for Writers

    In my last article about marketing your self-published book I talked about creating your author platform. Part of the creation of that platform will naturally (hopefully) be some kind of blog or website that showcases your work. Other than a ve...
  • How to Format an Email Query Letter

    How to format an email query letter to an agent or publisher.
  • How Google Alerts Can Help You Build an Organic Web Presence

    In the ongoing quest for connections, readers, and book buyers, authors need to be aware of the online tools that can help them build a solid web presence. One that is based on more than the foundation (though solid enough) of content alone. Co...

