Browse Articles

  • Who Do You Think You're Talking To? ~ Why Audience Matters

    Your audience makes all of the decisions. Whether you're standing in front of them or they're reading your words in print or on a computer screen, they will decide how much they read – if they pay attention at all, whether they will come back for...
  • Building a Better Blog

    I've read a lot of blogs. Some of them incredibly memorable, others only just holding my attention in passing. What I find amazing in so many instances is that there are still a lot of bloggers who fail to include some of the most basic (and important)...
  • Getting Motivated, Staying Motivated

    We all have different motivations for writing. For some the promise of a paycheck is more than enough, while for others there must be something more nudging them along. I would like to guess that fiction writers have an easier time with this aspect of ...
  • How To Rewrite a Bad Article

    Most bad articles happen because of the use of the passive voice, lack of conversational tone, and insufficient research on the topic. Determine whether you're writing in an active or a passive voice. Passive voice allows things to happen to your subje...
  • Finding Something to Write About

    Ideas are supposed to just flow effortlessly when you're a writer, right?
    Right. If by effortlessly you mean, dragged kicking and screaming after sitting staring at a blank page for hours (or DAYS) waiting for inspiration to strike you dead, then sur...
  • Two Ways to Find Online Writing Work That Can Pay Well

    If you would like to make a steady stream of income as an online writer there are a number of different ways you can approach this. We have all seen the listings for places like Contently and other 'content farms'. The problem with most of these sites ...
  • How Do You Generate Topics for Articles?

    Lately I've been having a lot of difficulty coming up with topics for articles. The articles must have a writing slant naturally, and be fresh, original content. Coming up with catchy topics and titles on a consistent basis might very well be the bane ...
  • Writing Articles in a Series or Cook Once Eat Twice

    If you're anything like me, the biggest part of your time spent article writing is devoted to doing the research for your topic. Even if you're fortunate enough to be heavily involved or working in the field that you write about, you will still need to...
  • Persuasion is Not Lying - Manipulation is Lying

    We are all exposed to persuasion and manipulation on a daily basis, and we most often tend to lump them together under the umbrella term 'persuasion' rather than delve into the differences between them. Although they would seem to go hand-in-ha...
  • How To Make Money Writing Online

    Work for it.I could stop there and most of you would understand what that really means, but for the sake of giving this piece a bit of meat I'll give you a little more insight. There are two schools of thought for writers, one is that writing is the ha...

